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Music: VEVO profile of recording artist Nick Hakim  mentoring MAD Academy students at Black Lodge Studios
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Activism: City-As-School students travel to Washiongton DC to join MARCH FOR OUR LIVES 
Art: RED BULL documentary of artist Magda Love to create NYC's largest mural at City-As-School with MAD Academy 
Music: MAD Academy students perform original songs at The Apollo Theater for the Manhattan Borough Arts Celebration 2018
Art: ABC NEWS segment on the LARGEST MURAL in NYC on City-As-School building with Magda Love and Kobra
Music: Documentary produced by Joseph Fanelli and Rebecca Zissman of the Columbia School of Journalism on MAD Academy. 
Video: Student-created documentary about fellow MAD Academy students discussing their creative process
Fashion: Beauty for Freedom documentary on student's designing a collection for Fashion Week Brooklyn runway show and Denim Day NYC
Video: Student-created promo video


MAD Academy @ City-As-School 2017

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